This week your cards ask you to pay attention to things that repeat themselves in your life. What “lesson” is that you must learn in order to move forward in your life?
The fact is that life sends us things we’ll get through in order to grow and become an even better version of ourselves. So this week was very aware of things that seem to have a pattern in your life, it’s time to deal with them once and for all. What is your lesson in all this?
If you just pay attention and you will find out lots of things this week. You will get the feeling of satisfaction to know and be able to move on to new exciting goals. Make up new long-term plans and make yourself ready to finish things that no longer serve any purpose in your life. But be sure to end in a good and loving way so that you need not be in conflict with others. Be a good team player.
And remember to be thankful for everything good and wonderful you already have in your life.